Work Examples

First-time Business: Cleaning with a Sass

Here is a first-time business marketing package I developed! One of my best works yet! Included in this job was flyers, postcards, website, logo, shirt, business card, and I assisted in setting up her Quickbooks.

HEALing Hispanic Congregations

Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) was used to develop new policies and procedures in a Hispanic Congregation. The intention was for them to have healthier practices that the congregation was comfortable adopting. This required involving them in most steps of the process. This was a pilot program for Livewell Greenville with an aim of introducing more Hispanic populations into the collaborative.

Click here to see all the corresponding materials I developed during my internship such as surveys, toolkits, best practices, translated documents, etc.

Lecturing a University-level Class

Along with my colleague, I was tasked with instructing a university-level class on AREA VII: Communicating and Advocating for Health and Health Education for the Certified Health Education Specialist exam. (Side note: I wished my colleague spoke louder and clearer for this. Somethings I just can’t control. Oh well!)

Run, Jump, Paddle

This was an awesome collaboration that I was able to be apart of with Michigan State University after I embarked on a journey across the country crewing two runners part of the Road Warriors Corp. 501C3 running from Florida to Michigan in 2015. The runners were raising funds and awareness for cancer patients. This remarkable run was documented in this film which earned an Emmy.

The Role of Perceived Racial Discrimination and Stress in Highly Identified Individuals

During this research, I hypothesized that individuals who really identified with their race and/or ethnicity had protective factors (aka. to much pride) against stress, hence perceiving less discrimination. However, through research, (surveys conducted) the opposite was true. We noticed that those that identified with their race and/or ethnicity had correlations with perceived discrimination and more stress.